28 June 2015
Today wraps up the twelfth week of my half-Iron training. There's less than a month left until race day. I did a preview of the swim and bike courses, and they are lovely. The water in the Russian River is cool and calm, and riding through Sonoma County was wonderful, past vineyards and wineries.
My training has been slightly disrupted the last few weeks because of an odd problem at home — bees. A swarm of honeybees showed up and moved into my bedroom wall and have proved difficult to eradicate. Between this and a niggling stomach issue, getting out to train six days a week has been difficult.

However, for Father's Day, my dad and I rode 100 km (62 miles), which was a great time and quite the tour of Silicon Valley. It's good to know I'm able to go further than race distance in all three sports now.